April 23, 2017 at 9:30 am
The Worship Center
1820 N Gem St. Tulare, Ca

New Sermon Series – The Dash

A series about The Dash – that small time in eternity that is between our birth and our death…what will we do with the dash?  How we live in the dash will have impact on where we will spend eternity…the things we do in the dash will have eternity consequences for good or evil…This series is about getting perspective on this beautiful life and opportunity God has given us to live.  I hope you are challenged in your thinking about how willing you are to live it God’s way, and how the dash of your life is focused on your neighbor more than yourself. There can be new beginnings at anytime in the dash, and the best life we live is done so in faith and remembering how God lived it and all the promises associated with this gift of life.  The Apostle Paul was clear that he wanted to run this race, this dash, with everything he had because he knew we were given one life to impact the world with the gospel. He was going to live it to the fullest and so should we…

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