
Church Planting at TCC

For more than 20 years, TCC has expressed its love for Jesus Christ and the Central Valley through church planting. Join us in taking a look back and celebrating what God has done through these efforts. Then, let’s look forward together with a grand vision for multiplication through 2023!



Looking Back

We have planted nearly four dozen churches around the United States and Mexico over the past two decades. Some of those churches have helped plant other churches and we already see some fifth generation churches starting now (great, great grandchildren). From coast to coast in the U.S., Mexico, and other international planting too, we support a diverse range of churches. Latino, Asian, African-American, and Anglo, from urban to rural mountains, from small high-need populations, to large suburban churches of hundreds; we have congregations all sorts and sizes. We have learned a lot, and have been humbled often too. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for your leadership through it all!


Looking Forward

The year 2023 marks our 50th anniversary. At that time we will have surpassed 25 years of planting churches during the second half of our life as a congregation. We hope to lean into the multiplication factor with many reproducing churches in our network and plant 23 more living, unique, multi-cultural congregations; which will bring the total to 50 church plants in 50 years of TCC’s congregational life and ministry.  We believe some of these will be autonomous plants and some satellites, but all will be self-propagating and self-sustaining.  

Leadership and Partners

TCC’s multiplication efforts are led by our Church Planting Team, comprised of Dana Vink, Russ Siders, Martin Mora, Rick Gorzeman, Glen Weerheim, Larry Hilarides, Jim Nace, Bob Van Groningen, and facilitated by Rev. Tim Vink.

We partner with the Church Multiplication Commission, the Central California Classis, the Reformed Church in America Multiplication Team, Stadia, and our local communities, to plant churches in the Central Valley.


23 by '23

Our diverse church plants reach out in many languages from California to Costa Rica, to Wisconsin to Texas. Thousands of people now worship in these churches and experience the grace of God for both this life and the next.

GIVE TO 23 by '23
We can't do this alone! God has given us a big vision. It will cost $250,000 a year to make this vision a reality, will you join us?


TCC Alive