Care Teams


We’re with you. Whatever you’re going through we want you to know WE CARE and you don’t have to go through it alone. We offer three pathways to getting the spiritual and emotional care you need:

Stephen Ministry

Stephen Ministry consists of compassionate and trustworthy well trained Christians called Stephen Ministers who walk alongside hurting individuals in a Christ-centered way. The Stephen Minister will faithfully listen, empathize, pray with and for the care receiver, providing one-on-one, high quality, confidential care and support as long as necessary.

Care Elder Team

The Care Elder Team is a group of ordained elders who have been trained to empower and equip the people of TCC to care for one another. Also, the Care Elders care specifically for ongoing and special needs in the community.

Pastoral Care

In addition to Stephen Ministry and Care Elders, we also have a staff of trained pastors who are here to provide ongoing care for the people of TCC and beyond.

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